The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Beautiful images, and a wonderful picture. Just lovely.
Your meter is perfect in this lilting poem. I enjoyed the alliteration with, "when weary winter" and "farm fallow field" (the latter are near and dear to my heart :) ) The whole picture you paint with your word, is beautiful!
Beautiful, lovely poem! You have the good heart of a poet:)
You're a walking, talking artist painting such lovely scenes with your pastels of words that it makes me homesick for my "growing up days" of summer among the hills of Pennsylvania. How beautiful!
Beautiful, beautiful writing.
Loved it ... well-measured tempo and the charm was everywhere ...

I loved this pair of lines ...

"For pastel butterflies.

Farm fallow fields, unoccupied,"

So very lovely...peaceful. Wonderfully done!
Truly wonderful. Love everything about this piece. Gentle and telling.
I can only echo the rest. Beautiful transition, beautiful filling of God's abundance. Great poetry Verna!
There should be music playing in the background! Very lovely, flowing poetry.
Your meter and rhyme are remarkable. The story that you weave in the transitioning of the seasons, priceless. Thanks for writing such a lovely poem.
What a lovely ode to Spring! Thanks so much for sharing your beautifully written poetry!
This is simply gorgeous!
Beautiful read...peaceful thoughts and a joyful reminder that Life springs again and again
Ohhh! This is lovely, VernaJ! I love it. I also see this playing out in my head like a movie, this strong, and silent type of guy (winter) and the artsy, floral girl, (spring) LOL-a wonderful read! ^_^
No wonder this is in first place. It's beautiful, and reads like the work of the classic poets. BIG congratulations to you, Verna. Well done.
You're on such a roll! I'm so proud of you and this entry has to be one of your very best yet! It's got so much going for it I hope it wins the top prize next summer! Kudos, big time!!!!
Congrats!!!!!! Beautiful poem and very deserving of its placement.
Verna, your poetry inspires me. This is very deserving the EC #1.
You took all my favorite seasonal themes and created a beautiful psalm to faith and fullness in our Lord. Wonderfully composed! this will be a classic!
See?! I TOLD you it was one of your BEST!!!! Woo hoo! Many congrats, Verna!
Verna dear - this was AMAZING. You captured the beauty, freshness and awakening of spring perfectly. And the title, great, great choice. Man, how do you write poetry like this??? Totally wonderful!
I DID hear lilting music in the background as I read this lovely poem. :) The first stanza is my favorite, it grabbed me and made want MORE! Congrats, Verna!!!
I love your choice morsels of words! Each one fits perfectly. I think you must be related to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. You're in those big leagues, Verna. Congratulations friend!
Very, very special. Just like the writer. :)

Keep sharing your gift, Verna. You're truly a blessing.

HAPPY DAY to YOU!!!! :)
I am so HAPPY for you, Verna. It is nice to see your work being recognized, reflecting the heart of it author! Loren
Congratulations, dear friend! This is exceptional!!!!
Oh hon, I so needed to read this today. I just found out a few moments ago that I lost my uncle and this spoke tenderly to my heart.Praise God!
Even in the winter of our cirumstances, God gracefully paints beauty and life and splashes color to our existences. Verna, you are so amazingly gifted by the Lord hon. Your poetry is like whispers of refreshing breezes from the Lord! God bless you good dear. Well done and Congratulations Verna- you so deserve this win!:0)))Hugs!!! Janice
Every single line conjures up beautiful or familiar pictures in my mind. The rhythm of your writing is perfect and it's no surprise this placed #1. I love poetry and this was a very satisfying read. Thanks and congrats to you.

This poem is as breathtaking as spring! You are so good with poems. It's a talent I have not been able to master, but an obvious gift to you from the Master!! Congrats on your first place!
