The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I really enjoyed the out-of-the-box creativity here.
Hehe - clever and fun. Reminds me of one of my older pieces - but you did it much better. Fun stuff!
Very cute! You sounded like onw of the detectives from CSI or some such show. One little thing "See if you can finding anything at all." I think it might also have been fun to have someone talk back to this detective...interaction and all that...just my opinion though. God bless!
Your MC is a true modern day Duh-Brain! Duh... but it was a great take on the topic and I enjoyed this investigation a lot. I figure every one on his team is likely to find the true treasure and the MC will STILL be trying to put the pieces together!
Love the humour and the sheer idiocy of the investigation. Of course, were I the one being investigated, how well would my life stand up to such close scrutiny? An uncomfortable thought.
This one just begs to be performed!
Excellent voice. Great job compacting so much information in so few words. Very good read.
This is very creative. It is quite directive. I can imagine people of this day doing much of the same in trying to locate this treasure.
Written as though you understand the inner workings of the political machine!
Almost like one of those phone calls where you push numbers on the menu and after 20 minutes you find yourself back where you started.

Loved this piece with the officer directing all possible avenues of investigation. The names seemed British to me, as did "neighbours". I thought placing the verse at the beginning gave the game away, and it could have appeared at the end.