The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a romantic husband...and an intriguing story, all the ends tied together perfectly.
C'mon down and have the holiday of a lifetime.
This is a lovely story. I might have to get my husband to read it and see if it gives him any ideas... ;-)
This is so deliciously romantic. I can imagine that you had to prune and prune to get it within the word limit. (Do hope that neither of you comes down sick before you get to travel!)
Oh dear. Sounds like something my husband and I would do. (**chuckling at self**) Loved the entire piece.
Delightful piece - super characterization and dialogue, and I love the whole spontaneity thing. Wonderful.
Love this couple, and your title, and I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Great, realistic dialogue and fun to read. Great couple!
What a great story! I love the couple and their dialogue, made even better knowing that it's born out of a true story. Have fun on your adventure! Well done.
Had all the elements of a O'Henry short story. I loved the way you were able to show the obvious love between these two and the very real way in which their conflict was handled. Made me think of the movie "Fireproof"
Ahhh... that is so great! I could see it building up to a double blessing. I'm sure you'll have fun!
The fact that this story is true makes it even better. I bet you guys are going to have a blast going to both those countries. How exciting!