The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Interesting take on the topic. You developed your characters well. Kind of reminds me of that old saying... "If Christianity were against the law, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

Keep writing. God Bless!
Very well written. You had me from the first line to the last. If we could be prosecuted for being Christian, I would be in Lefty's shoes. Great message in this fascinating story.
Very cool! I did see a few grammatical mistakes, which rereading it will show you, and a small mess up in combining a dialogue tag with an action tag.

(“No further questions; your witness,” Kane said,gestured to Grimes.)

However, this was a very engaging read and the only down side to it, is that I didn't think of it first ;).

You gave just enough description for me to view it in my imagination, but not too much to make it cumbersome. I really enjoyed it, great job!!!
A very positive challenge wrapped up in all the courtroom drama, which kept me guessing for long enough for the ending to bring its own surprise. Well done.
The jury is in and their decision unanimous -- you've written a thriller. Well done.
Oh I loved this piece. You did a fantastic job of pulling me into the courtroom. The suspense was thrilling to and though I guessed early on that El Primo was meant to be God, I still found myself riveted to the screen.

I did notice some tiny things like no hyphen between well-dressed and you don't need to say the word nervously in the phrase gulped nervously because your outstanding descriptions show he is nervous.

I think your take on the topic, though subtle was a brilliant and fresh idea. Many of us worry these days about living in the country where being a Christian is a crime and Christians can be arrested and charged for their faith. i think you did a grand job on this one.
This was a great take on the subject. You had me from the first to the last. Mysteries are a favorite of mine. This entertained and convicted me. would there be enough evidence to convict me of being a Christian?
Unique and imaginative take on the topic. I'm a bit dense and didn't 'get it' until the end...El Primo indeed-priceless!

God bless~
I just had a feeling when I was writing you the PM this morning that this was going to place well. Congratulations on your very compelling piece! Have a blessed rest of your day!
Great job Vince, This was so well written---Congratulations!
Congratulation to you! I knew this one would do well. What a great job you did with this one!
Congratulations on your Highly Commended. I knew this one would place. Great job.
Congratulations fellow highly commended!!! Looks like we'll both be moving up the ladder soon :)!
Congratulations on placing 5th in level three and ranking 21 overall!