The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
EWWWWWW! LOL... I never saw THAT coming! Nice job... I think...LOL! Gotta say, taxidermy never entered into my mind to write about!
This story is full of suspense, but I am afraid you have me confused. The lady is a taxidermist. She has stuffed many of her previous pets, but is she going to do the same to this little kitten? I sure hope not! I couldn't tell. Or is it a new pet for her to enjoy? I am puzzled. Sorry.
Creative, spookie, confusing, and a Magnificent Menagerie of Mystery, eh? I'm not quite sure I'm understanding this thoroughly, either...but it's definitely different and entertaining. I liked it. I didn't understand it, but I liked it. Nice job of writing and it's well worth a second read...
Crazy Cora is excited to be getting another kitten to replace her cat that died. To see that she is a taxidermist was a twist. She is able to enjoy all her pets she's had thru the ages:) Funny twist!
I was right there beside the boys to see what Cora would do. A great twist at the end.
Your ending was a shocker. LOL. I don't know how you thought of this idea, but it was very clever. You had me wondering what Crazy Cora was doing until the very end. Thank you for sharing. :)
What a creative story...loved the Parker boys, and then spying on Cora. Great twist at the end!
Engaging and creative.
I wasn't sure what to make of the relationship between the three boys at the beginning, as there was no interaction between them.
Clever, and you've done a nice job with atmosphere in this story.
Great twist at the end. Loved the boys on thier bellies and the fake tears.

Superb story telling!
Clever and WHAT a twist! I wanna live in that mind of yours - if only for a few hours! Super characterization especially.
Excellent!! What an incredible imagination you have! Love it!
Goodness, I sincerely hope she does not stuff that poor darling, or I will personally visit her house to snatch it away. lol. Great job with the atmosphere and narration. Nice.
Wonderful story; great twist at the end. Laugh out loud funny when it came!
Excellent story. I loved the way you led us on, the boys tears trying to find a home for the kittens, following Cora, thinking she is just a crazy lady who talked to stuffed animals. Wonderful twist at the end to find out her former occupation. Great job Marita, I loved it.