The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Every family needs a Todd. Sweet story on the topic.
I loved this family story. You showed the closeness and the love and were right in the middle of the topic. Great job.
This was engaging, loved the voices of the brothers, especially Todd . The dog was a great touch too, we got the little brother's take on the situation from his conversations with Jasper. Keep up the good words.
Very sweet, and I like the rustic tone. I'll bet you can think of a more original title.

Good job with the setting, too.
Great voice! I like the casual flow of this piece, and I love the ending. I could see it clearly. Well done.
This was so well written. I love writing when the wording is as it would be spoken (with the accents and all... I could hear it in my mind!) It was very imaginative and the words made it easy for me to "see" what was going on, it was almost like watching a movie instead of reading. No wonder you're in the Advanced category!
I enjoyed this story from the first word to the end and loved that Todd proved in his actions who indeed was the better worker.
Great atmosphere, and an even greater message. This story was a blessing.
This was written so that I could even smell the hay. Well done!
I like these brothers! (the happy agreeing versions-lol) You did well here, I liked Todd and especially how he ignored the arguing and just went and started in on the work. That's nice. I liked the title especially that you gave this. It's a great piece. ^_^
Very enjoyable story. You did a great job of conveying the attitudes of the brothers. Good take on the topic Naye. Well done!