The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1086 times
Member Comments
What a fun story, and one doesn't have to dig too deep to find the parallels--people who rob us of our confidence. Extremely creative!
What fun to read and a great point without being too obvious. How creative you are with this!
Very good! Great action and good to the point ending!!
Superman with a confidence problem — now that's imagination. Good work.
How creative is this? Love it - and a message too!
I love it; another extremely creative entry this week. Everyone must have stored up several weeks' worth of creativity in the break!
What fun. Who would have guessed Superman could have confindence problems? I'm so glad he regained it so he could continue to take care of Metropolis! This was great.
Loved it, loved it! And oh how true, too.
This is good, creative writing and an easy read. Good, satisfying resolution, too. (But I couldn't avoid a heavy sigh when I read about the suing. Isn't it just so typical!)
Yeah! Go superman! Politics vs Saving Lives. I get so worked up about political opportunistic ambition that makes the work so much harder for the REAL contributors to our community.
Great to hear someone championing their cause in such a masterly fashion. Well done. Fun read, too.
Very creative, fun read. Only thing I would suggest would be to reduce the speech tags.
What a fun read that's got a great message packed in it! good job!! :D