The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1793 times
Member Comments
This is hilarious... especially because I can relate so well!!! Thanks for a fun read.
By the way, you might want to invest in a doorbell... then disconnect.
Ha! Great take on the police theme. A nice break from the serious pieces I've been reading. But they stole your chocolate!!! That's cruel! ;)
I loved it!!!! I can think of some more "knock Knocks" if you want 'em! Great entertaining read and "ditto" - nice break from the usual. Kudos!
Love it, love it, love it!
Ha ha ha... this made me laugh out loud :) I'm still chuckling, in fact. If there is a knock at the door today, I'm not answering!!
This was fun and entertaining.Kept my interest.Loved the ending.Very creative.
This was hilarious! I loved every word.
This made me laugh but hit a little close to home. Next time I sneak a Butterfinger I'll be listening for a knock on the door. Thanks so much for sharing this
Very entertaining. Good job. God bless.
Too Funny! I rarely laugh right out loud reading, but you did it! I have tears in my eyes!
Whoa! What a wonderful 'ouch' entry! :)

Hooked me and 'kept' me going. (I'm a Gramy too!) ;)

This was so much fun. Great job!
I was actually confused for a little bit.
Oh... I LOVED this piece! Clever and witty - gave me a good chuckle. Yes, those dratted police have knocked on my door plenty of times too - especially the candy and nutrition police...Argh! LOL Wonderful writing. Gets my vote for creativity and humor.
Unfortunatly I'm getting pretty good an ignoring the knocks. Hehe, great story!
Hilarious! Truly memorable. A few grammatical errors(e.g. missing comma-lol) But excellent story. I really enjoyed this-awesome writing!
WAY too much fun, Cassie!! Sorry I'm just getting around to reading it, but it totally made my day! Too creative and fun.