The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Beautiful perspective, looking at your mother's life through her hands, and tying it into her doing the same with her mother. My favorite paragraph was the one with the cake mutilization.
This is a lovely piece. The strong verbs made a good portrait of a strong woman. Very well done.
This is beatiful, tender and touching all at once. I love the descriptions and the images...the description of the hands, her "leash," etc. I love the flow and lovely. Great job.
What a woman, what a tribute. You are so right, hands do say many things...I could read more of these lives. Much more!
Wonderful illustration of the "full circle" through the metaphor of your mother's hands. As I sit at my mother's bedside, I too wonder what another 30 years may bring.
Lovely, with beautiful descriptions and poignant emotions. Beautifully done.
Oh, I've been through this! Have I ever! I used to study my mother's hands and thought "If only they could talk and tell me all the secrets of Mother's life." I love the way you put this together. It's so sensitively written, so beautifully done, so YOU!
I tried to pick a favorite line but couldn't.. it's all beautiful. Makes me miss my Grandma and Mom so very much. Beautifully done.
Beautiful tribute to your mother. I can picture you sitting with her holding her hand, reliving her life in your memories.

My favorite was the reference to her eyes telling you she was actively in the conversation. I remember many conversations with my Grandma where that wasn't the casse.

I enjoyed the line from your mother's poem and how you incorporated that into your story.
This is beautiful. You took the hands of a mother and worked an entire story around them. That must have been very difficult to do, yet isn't that what most of us think of when we think of a mother--What her hands were busy doing? Very well done.
Oh, this really touched me. It reminds me of my 86 year-old mother's hands. It is beautiful how her life unfolds around her hands. So tender.
I love how you ended this piece.
I sure hope that this entry places high this week, because it is amazing! I loved all of the different descriptions that you were able to give to one pair of hands. This is a truly special and tender story. I loved it! :)
Dittos to all the above comments! I'm sorry I've been AWOL and missed this touching tribute earlier.

Dear Pam, your writing has so much depth to it. You pull the tears born in our hearts right out through my eyes.