The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very inspirational. It was encouraging to know she had the strength to come back and "walk." Great ending.
This was a meaningful entry. I don't understand how she was restored at the end when her life seemed to be a good one, but otherwise you did a good job of helping us to see how good her marriage was.
Your story shows the power to love to make one victorious. Not a whole lot of words about her husband, but his character is revealed through the happiness of his wife. Good job.
A very beautiful, touching story. And so very true. A good reminder for us all. Thanks.
This was very similar, in many ways, to my daughter's story.

I'm not sure I understand her message; "sieze the day because it may be your last" implies that her life is "over". On the other hand, she seems fulfilled. Then again, you imply that she views her wheelchair as a "prison", yet it gives her mobility. So--some mixed messages here, or maybe just clarification needed.

I alway enjoy stories in which the main character has overcome a disability.
I hope we will all sieze the day! Thanks for the inspiration.
This is very inspiring! (Though I'm sure someone's already mentioned that, lol) I really like how it turned out to be Dr.Katrina and especially her 'speech' those are encouraging words, especially the end where she was able to 'walk' across the stage and pump her fist in the air. It's stories like this that I really love to read to see someone overcome something like this. Great job and great writing. ***Congrats on your EC!***
Ruth, you have done the phrase "carpe diem" much justice and your placment in EC certainly demonstrates that. Congratulations, Loren
Sounds like there is a lot more to her story, like how she got her degree. Congrats on your EC.
Congratulations on your EC. This is a very well written story, and an excellent illustration of the topic. Good job.
Congratulations, Ruth! Great story.