The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1169 times
Member Comments
Great title! You especially did an amazing job with the first paragraph, in describing the setting. Both the title and the first paragraph definitely drew me in. I was chilled on the street, and warmed with Teresa’s heart. Great ending!
This made me want to find this shelter and volunteer with them! That's how ALL shelters should be and this article makes me even want to start one in case there isn't one like it. The idea of precious bedding, the lush towel, and the cozy fire for those who have so little is a beautiful contrast, and worthy not only of writing about, but also of acting upon. I really enjoyed this!
This is just beautifully told. Your characterization is wonderful and the story so heart-warming. I forgot I was reading in beginners!
Great title! Love your opening paragraph. The story flowed fairly well, I wish I could have known just a tad bit more about both characters though.
This is way beyond the category. So well written, so much embedded meaning. Hardly a thing I would change. Thank you for sharing this piece.
Your story is so descriptive that I wondered if you had any real-life experience either as a homeless person or as someone that works with them. Very well written. I felt like I was there.
Oh, this is wonderful. There is as much warmth in this story as in that soup. I really enjoyed this one! Excellent work!
I won't be surprised if you move up a level soon. Great job and well written with only a few minor typos.
Great first paragraph! It really set the scene for the heartwarming story to follow!
Wonderful story, one of the best this week.
Delightful story; warmed me to the bone. You did a wonderful job of drawing the reader into this place of love. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Awesome!
Your storytelling skills are excellent. You seriously need to move up at least one level.
Good beginning, solid message, good dialogue and fully on topic.
What a pleasant, easy to read story. The images made ME feel toasty and warm! You've done a great job here!
Your writing transorted me, and I was there with the characters. Wonderful, excellent job.
Whew! Very, very nice. Excellent job. God bless.
I like your title and enjoyed your entry. Little details like the sage and Freesia scented body wash add a lot to your story. :)
This drew me in well, I could really feel for Juilie.(:
Just beautiful! And I love the title! Great work. Blessings, Cheri
Okay - this better make it to the top ten.

It just better - that's all I have to say.

Besides - Wow!
Stunning! I love the title, the soup, the home and the way the woman slowly thaws. Beautiful story.
What can I say? Except to join the chorus and say "Wow! Good writing!" I hope this one does well for you, it deserves to.
I'm standing in the cold - I'm detecting the spices - I'm resisting - I'm accepting - I'm warm - I'm in awe.

Very well done. You took me to a place I wouldn't want to go and brought me back with much to consider.
WOW! I agree---you'll soon be moving up!

I'm betting this places high...excellent writing skills here!
ow, I could feel the warmth as she entered the shelter and the love. Fantastic job!
This is beautiful writing! Very vivid descriptions and a heart puller at the end:) excellent writing!