The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I liked how Sharon had compassion on the little girl's plight as a result of her own experiences and anguish. Loved the solution and the wisdom God gave to Sharon. Well done!
Just think what would happen if a judge did make that order. WOW! can you imagine the "HUH's" you'd hear around the courtroom. It might give divorcing couples something to think about. Well done, very different and on topic.
I like the twist on the judge's ruling. Unique writing on topic, and welcome to Advanced!
I was caught up on the progression of your story. Sharon's compassion was heart-warming. Great work on this one (too). :)
This is a beautiful story. It made me think of John and Kate Plus 8. Their divorce was so public, but the new house they bought belonged to the kids. The parents took turns living there, just like in your story. Hopefully, children will be considered more and more. Maybe the divorce rate would decline. You did a beautiful job on a difficult topic.
Good for Sharon for going to God for wisdom before making her ruling. What a wonderful blessing for that child to have a grandmother willing to do whatever necessary to make the child's' parents divorced with as little disruption as possible. Well Done.
I wonder what would happen if a judge made a decision like this? It would certainly make headlines! Good, creative solution to a painful but all-too-common situation in this sad world...
Your introduction set up a compassion for the child, making the ending to your well written story just right.
I light your very insightful look into the real consequences so a split home for a child. I also liked your reasoning, although I doubt the legal ramifications would ever stand up. Great, sensitive piece of writing.
A superb story Sharon, and well done on a very difficult theme. Congratulations on your placing and welcome to Advanced!
Sarah, I was delighted that "The Child" placed in this week's competition. Congratulations!