The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
We always look for "happy" endings, but sad ones are reality in our lives. Well done.
Oh man. I wanted a happy ending so badly. Scuse me while I go cuddle mt kids. Oh.. and excellent writing by the way.
This sad story certainly fits the topic well. I'm hoping it's fiction.
Wow. Congratulations on your EC. This writing is incredibly gripping.
This is beautifully written, but SO heartbreaking... the nightmare of every parent. Congratulations on your EC!
You did a masterful job of handling the emotional turmoils taking place in this story. It is restrained but bold in its telling. Congratulations on your EC placement with this piece. Well done, indeed - Loren
Oh, wow, this is such a heart-wrenching piece. You did an excellent job of writing it, and you richly deserve the EC you won for it!
This was just packed with terrific detail and oh, so emotionally wrenching! Very good job on the topic...congratulations on your placement!
wow! That's all I can say. If this is fiction, it's very good, if it's a memory, I'm so sorry.

This was very well written, I read as fast as I could, wanting a happy ending, but understanding that she went home.
Wonderufully written and heartbreaking. My son had to be life-flighted last month to a children's hospital and we had a 50 minute drive as well, so this was very real to me.