The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
How clever.
Great title.
I love that the wife was preventing more trouble by not throwing guilt on the husband; a less obvious but important message.
Very well done...again, how clever! Loved it.
Fun and cute! You did great work on this! :)
Ha! Love the perspective of this piece. Well done...I was able to picture the chair, in all it's personality! :)
In my experience, there's a whole host of household objects that taunt me daily with their never-ending requests on their behalf. Very clever story! Love the creativity for the topic.
What a fun piece! I have to say cute and clever at the same time. I liked the title and thought it was going to be something about a workshop, but this was quite a delightful read! Excellent job! ^_^
Excellent story! Very creative.
At first I thought it was the chair that was injured; then I find at the end it's the wife that's injured. Also I was confused as to who was talking to whom; but not to worry, I'm getting old and a bit dense. However, I thought it VERY creative!
Now that I have read the "other" comments, I went back and re-read this delightful saga - and NOW I understand it. Should have read it twice before commenting. Thanks for the "smile"...(*.*) Great job!
Cute and creative. A delightful read.
How cute! I really liked this! I'm glad I'm not the only one that imagines my inanimate objects talking to me!
I can't help but think this woman has taken a few too many pain pills. I was laughing all the way through this.
This is unique and a delight to read. Good job!
I think I have sat in that chair before. If it's the same chair it deserves to be exposed.
Clever and witty approach to the topic.
A refreshing change of pace with this one. Delightful.
I loved this approach to the topic (but, then again, a chair that talks to a person usually is a winner in my books).
Unique and creative, absolutely.

The last sentence threw me a bit: it starts in past tense and ends in present tense.

Love the way you made an inanimate object teach the lesson, and in an highly entertaining manner.
This is my favorite line - "That unfinished chair has been taunting me all morning."

I love personification - this was fun!
Very imaginative! It was funny and warm. I love how she stood up for her husband. I enjoyed it a lot!
Fun, clever and creative! I'm so glad you're back ... I've missed your fantastic entries!
I should introduce your chair to my computer desk, but that's a whole other story. I enjoyed this really creative story. Thumbs up.
What an imagination! A pleasure to read - I imagine it was even more fun to write. The chair taunting her made me giggle.
What a fun read! I'm glad I'm not the only one that hears things talking! Creative from start to finish--I loved the 'muffled' part at the end. :-)