The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Someone did a really good job here! :) Loved reading this!
Hopefully that can be said of us all one day- that we 'did what we could' to add a bit of beauty to the world that has shared its beautiful wonders with us!
The other day, a brother in the Lord asked me if I could do certain thing. I answered that I couldn't. Another brother overheard and shouted back, "Yes you can!" Surprised, I looked at him. He added, "You are a man of God who can do all you can do". May we do all that we could do. A story of hope that makes us cope. Thanks!
Good job, I am sure she would be proud of your interpretation. Thanx.
I loved this piece. You brought her to life and I loved the parts in between where you broughht her back to her visitor. Very creative.
Ditto to Dub - you've done her proud!
Well done for managing to pack in so much of her story into the confines of 750 words.
Felt I could reach out and touch this woman's heart. Effective story-telling!
Wonderful! And so enjoyable to read. Oh, what God is able to do when we let Him. In our weakness He is strong! Good job!
You gave a realistic insight into the heart of this woman. A good read. Thank you. Yeggy
Loved it! Her story is such an inspiration -as is heard in her music. One of the ladies at church is legally blind. She's often said that she's had more fun since losing her eyesight than before. God's really drawn her close through it. I could see her being friends with Fanny! (and her name is Fran lol)
Such an imaginative way of telling this lady's story, and beautifuly structured and told. God bless.
You have skilfully brought her to life and made her 'live' and managed to convey a valuable message at the same time. Well done.
Beautiful...this was simply beautiful! What an incredible tribute to the Lord and his awesome and sometimes misunderstood ways. Thank you.
Truly, an inspirational capture of Beauty, Benjamin. Fanny was a remarkable woman ... one I need reminded of when my eyes get a bit too focused on my own life, and the troubles I 'think' it bears. Herein lies beauty, to see in the face on all things Beauty Himself. All else naught. Congratulations on a most deserved win!!! Blessed Assurance ... mine indeed.
Congratulations on your well-deserved win this week. Kudos!
congrats! Fanny seems like an old friend to so many of us who have sung her hymns for years. I had no idea she was from CT like me!
Excellent! Congrats on your well-deserved win!
Very Touching Deserve Win. Beautiful Share. Thanks for Sharing. Helen
Congratulations Benjamin!
Benji, excellent (as usual!)
Excellent, excellent, excellent. I love historical biographies at the best of times, and yours was no disappointment. Well done! And congrats on first place!
The date on my critique will show you that I'm a "Johnny Come Lately"..but I am reading Winners today to see if they rub off on me. Very nice bio of a great songwriter...and you mentioned an ancestor of mine...P.T. Barnum, which I did not realize was a friend of hers. God BLess and Congratulations!