The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1998 times
Member Comments
Oh,just lovely! Great job, I loved it. God bless~
Yay Terry! Excellent entry. Congrats!
Excellent piece, extremely well written. I enjoyed this very much.
Oh the lovely landscape you painted. Stunning in its multi-faceted colors. I imagined myself in Moses favorite kind of stories are the type that transported into the scene and you have done that this week. Thank you and congratulations on win!
Congratulations on your win. Well-deserved, for you have captured so much depth and warmth with such an economy of language. Thnak you for such an enjoyable read.
This is absolutely beautiful Terry. A wonderful account depicting the end of Moses earthly days and such great recollections of his 'old friend', the staff. Just beautiful to read. Congratuklations on your very well deserved win.
Wow, what an excellent piece of writing. I'm amazed how you can fill out your setting with so much description and still stay on word count. I always struggle with that. Your story was an absolute joy to read. Congratulations on a well deserved win!
Wow, what an excellent piece of writing. I'm amazed how you can fill out your setting with so much description and still stay on word count. I always struggle with that. And I loved the flow between long and short sentences. Your story was an absolute joy to read. Congratulations on a well deserved win!
A winning piece indeed! Congratulations!
My ears are still filling my eyes -- I read this to my family and they were completely enthralled as was I. The love for his walking stick, his companion in life, and the journey he made which was so painstaking on so many levels made the ending of this piece so very rewarding! Your word pictures were incredible, I loved the fact that you didn't use the MC's name until the last although it was apparent who he was from fairly early on. I loved this and can hardly wait to buy the anthology that this piece will be in to have it for my very own. This piece also made me long for my heavenly Lord and to see my King face to face.
Oh yeah, Congratulations on winning the whole enchilada, first place of all of the entries! Very deserved and I agree with the one person who couldn't believe that you could fit in such beautiful description and stay within the word count. You made me love Mose's staff as well in this piece, the way you personified it was almost poetic!
I can’t believe I missed commenting on this before...I read it, I thought I had commented…but same comment now as then...wonderful piece, masterfully written, so deserving to win! Congratulations!
This is the type of writing that when I read it I just want to put my own pen down and forget about writing! Your story, your writing has blown me away and I pray that I can write like you someday. Your imagery, your insight I rarely see even in some of the best Christian writers. (I guess you can tell I liked the story you wrote!) Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you!
I echo the previous comment, but I'll not put my pen down, not yet.:-) Your article blew me away, because I'm reading through the Old Testament-currently in Deuteronomy-and I can so relate to your masterful depiction of Moses.

Mega Congratulations!
This Showcase story deserves the recognition accorded. You have set the bar high (or should I say staff?)with the quality of your writing. Congratulations and best wishes.