The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very clever. I have to wonder if it's VBS time and you're using these for your lessons?
I loved playing along. I almost got them ALL correct. Thank you for your clever entry. God bless~
Unique, very clever use of the topic…and fun too!
I'm a person who loves puzzles and sometimes get so wrapped up in trying to figure them out, that I lose sight of what the purpose of the puzzle was to begin with. With what you've presented here is perfect for me because it expounds beyond just trying to solve the puzzle, but forces you to focus back and put it all into context of the message. This is an A+ is my book! : )
I had fun solving the puzzles, too. I like that you chose a little-taught Bible story and didn't make it overly easy. And a VERY unique challenge entry! Well done.
Very clever entry, though I did get my mords slightly wuddled. Good fun, and a positive twist to close.
Had a feeling this was yours, but miss your epic, thought-provoking poems as well.
ow wonderful . . . A take home sheet, and a poem, too. Excellent.
This is really creative and fun. I'm glad you wrote it out though because I'm terrible with puzzles. This is a great way to bring in the kids. This year I took over as editor of our Church's newsletter and one of the things I do each month is have a kids' page. Making it fun will help them remember the lesson in years to come.

Congratulations for placing 7th in Masters and 11 overall!
Clever, purposeful and fun - well done! The title is especially catchy.