The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh, my! This story really got to me! Had to grab the kleenex! Very well written & points out a wonderful truth, that God hears us in whatever way we are able to communicate.
This was so compelling that I really felt the MC's frustration in this piece and wanted to speak for her/him.
What exactly happened--a fire or some sort of blast I am assuming, but maybe that detail could have been included. Other than that, this story was well paced, intriguing and left me wanting more.
Amazing. I, too, wanted some clarification at first because I didn't know what to picture for the MC. But the lack of details in that area was unique and well-done. Loved it.
This is beautiful. I was riveted to the screen devouring every word.I can't imagine going through such a trauma, but you described her fears and frustrations with ease.
Wonderfully told story. Personally, I'm glad I didn't know what catastrophe brought the physical trauma; it may have overshadowed the powerful message your story led to. Thanks for writing such a moving piece.
Wonderfully told! I could feel your MC's fear, frustration, and questioning of God throughout the piece as well as feeling her relaxing as she finally touches God through prayer. Excellent writing, great idea, spot on for the topic! :)
Goosebumps. And a craving to know more. What happened to her?? Fabulous writing - I think I felt every emotion she did.
Riveting! I kept hoping for a miracle to surface but what occured was a miracle of a different sort. Only you, with your background in signing could have written this and written it so well! Kudos, my friend!
I loved following the process of discovery and especially loved the ending.
This was really riveting as it moved along, making the reader wanting to know what happens next. Nice job and great writing.