The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 543 times
Member Comments
Thanks for your closing disclaimer, because I was wondering where you were taking us with it all!!!!
Well done!
Thanks for your closing disclaimer, because I was wondering where you were taking us with it all!!!!
Well done!
This is certainly a creative take on the topic, and may I suggest a daring/controversial one. It worked and you got your message over well.
I love this creative take on this pivotal event. The one suggestion I would make would be to trust the original idea you began with and stick to story-mode. Near the end you shifted to it being more of a devotional, and it can work either way, but I like the story version.

I know it's a scary prospect to re-vise something from the Bible to tell a "what if" scenario, and there is a certain compulsion to want to step in and explain it to the readers, but I really feel this is such a strong lesson on how perfect Jesus is/was that it is much more impactful if you just let the readers take it in and figure out the repercusssions on their own.

Others (yourself included) may, probably do, feel differently, but that's my two cents.

Again, what a great idea and original take, on this week's topic.
Congratulations on ranking 20 overall. Happy Dance!