The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 920 times
Member Comments

I thought this was brilliant, funny...and had me laughing so much, I nearly choked. My eyes now look like a raccoon from the smeared mascara!!

Fantastic! This will definitely could it not?

I loved it!

Oh, and by the way. I was glad to see CD in there as one of the "easy versions" and happy that you "copied and pasted."

FYI...It was not a big deal and I wouldn't have mentioned it because I wanted to protect the anonymity of the writer of this week's challenge. But the note copied and pasted to me began with: Dear Lynn...

Facepalm : )

God bless~
I must be honest and admit that I read this totally the wrong way at first and reacted badly - FACEPALM!

But read the right way it is a brilliant, funny satire that makes just as much fun, if not more, of the writer as it does of the rest of us.

I bow in humble admiration of your bravery and writing skills.

I really enjoyed your, very funny, challenge-related, challenge entry! I am honored to have been featured in it. And, guess what - no red ink! (But I would have put some if you used 'shrunk' again without a 'had', 'have' or 'has'.) Well done.
Very funny approach to the topic. Sounds like something I would do.
Stepping in here bravely to say I was an English teacher for 37 years, and I rarely use red ink- -only when I think am author has exceptional talent. How in the world did I miss "Shrank"? I love how you used it incorrectly to make a point. This was a delightful piece of sarcasm--so fun to read.
Most delightful! Brilliance and satire equating to pure satisfaction.

Remind me to pep up my comments so I receive more than "honorable mention" in your wonderful stories!
What a fun piece! I loved the humor and tone, especially the way you tackled the natural progression of thought from receiving comments, to writing TY notes and then to processing the actual "red ink". Very fun!

Red Ink: I can't help but point out the "grit out teeth" as needing to be "our" instead of "out".

This piece really brightened up a dreary day for me, thanks for sharing!
This is a hoot. I love how you are able to laugh at yourself. My first instinct was to see if I commented on it last week, but I made myself finish reading before I checked. It's funny how the red ink fades and is more like a soft pink over time. With that said, em dashes like this--should be the length of the letter M (to differentiate en dashes) and shouldn't have spaces on either side. Hopefully, my red ink will fade to pink and you won't need to dash off to write to Disney about how to use an em dash. Great take on the topic. I would hazard a guess that we all feel that way about red ink once in awhile. I'm just glad I was on vacation last week and didn't have time to read or comment on too many stories. :-)
Now that I looked back, I did comment on your piece and gave you red ink--one of which was about an em dash! I hope my ink didn't crush you too much. Hugs :-)
Congratulations on ranking 17 overall!
I missed this one last week, and I sincerely love it! Being a novice at writing I have no red ink, but am still giggling at Dear Graham, Dear God.

Great writing here!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Good one!