The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 911 times
Member Comments
I was mesmerized from the very beginning. Just recently I have developed an interest in birds and I found your story educational and I am excited to learn more about these birds. The way you built this suspense was pure artistry. I found myself worrying about the young boy and totally immersed in the story. You did a great job of covering the topic while still telling a thrilling story.
This was so enducational and fascinating to read. I was completely immersed in this well written descriptive piece. Nicely done!

God bless~
What a fantastic story! Great writing and a brilliant take on the subject. You sent me scuttling straight to Wikipaedia to enighten my previous non-existent knowledge of the Sharp-Shinned Hawk! A wonderfully told story, great to read - thankyou.
I enjoyed this story very much. Your descriptive language is lovely and I was easily drawn into the drama of the short-term disappearance of Timmy. It's a great Grandpa-Grandchild tale.
What a frightening experience it is to lose sight of a child for even a few minutes. I'm glad the MC was unharmed and a great sleuth. Thanks for the education on hawks.
You had me holding my breath, hoping with the main character that Timmy wasn't really gone. I am so glad that the killer wasn't of the human variety.
Whew! So glad Timmy wasn't kidnapped. Interesting info on the bird. Great descriptions as usual. God Bless.
I know that frightening experience of losing the whereabouts of a child for even a couple of minutes. So enjoyed this excellently written story and the happy ending. Great Job!
Way to write! This was simply an engaging story, and I loved both the characters you painted here and the time that this grandfather took to embrace teachable moments. What an absolutely clever, clever use of topic. You totally nailed it for topic and being an "out of the box" piece. But it was so much more than that. I was so relieved when Timmy was only gone for a short time and that he was okay. Great job, thanks for the treat!
"Timmy was stretched out in an Adirondack reclining chair beneath a mid-morning sun wearing cutoff jeans and Bat Man sunshades, adding freckles to his collection."

Your descriptions are "par excellence". I so enjoy your writing . . .
As a grandma, I was immediately drawn in by the situation of a missing child. Then the sunglasses gone and the blood... Yipes! Throughout the story, your description and phrases painted a moving picture in great detail. And, whew! - good ending!
Congratulations on ranking 26 overall! I've also been meaning to send you a PM telling you how much I appreciate your words on my entry. It brought many of my feelings together and gave me a whole new perspective. Each time I read your words I'm overwhelmed by your kindness and gentle nature and that shows up in anything you write--a story, a note or a critique. Thank you so much.