The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1147 times
Member Comments
Clever--creative--fun--I like this piece.
Great job! I loved how you pulled this whole thing together. I really enjoyed the dialogue and the way you presented it. Outstanding!

God bless~
Very entertaining and so timely with the recent Olympic games...and nailed the topic big time with this great entry.
This made me chuckle. I am 4 feet ten and three quarter inches. That's short! I've been trying to reach high groceries all my long life. I really identified with your verically challenged characters. This was a fun entry and bang on topic. great job!
Hilarious, Allison!

I admit, even though I'm of "average" height, I've had to reach for plenty of stuff on the top shelf with your methods.

Great piece and directly on topic. I won't say you'll place high, but I'd be surprised if you didn't. ;)
An interesting, unique and fun piece of going for gold in the grocery lifting techniques!
This is so hysterical. Wow! Talk about out of the box! I'd guess you've been watching the Olympics when you came up with this gem. It's a winner in my book. Thanks for the great laugh!
Hee-hee! Very imaginative and fun! :) (I do think you meant "brakes" instead of 'breaks" when referring to the cart, but that is a minor thing.) I really enjoyed this piece!
GREAT! I felt like I was listening to the olympics! Very funny and clever. I loved it.
Still chuckling from this one! Great writing and a fun read! God bless!
Congratulations for ranking 16 overall!