The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I enjoyed the characterization of each person in your story, and the way you withheld the reason-for-them-being-where-they-were until the end was skillful. Flawless writing. Love this!
Great misdirection. The ending made this worth the read.
As soon as you mentioned bench, I knew where this was taking place!


I once was so severely ridiculed by the judge, I thought it was me who was on trial.
I kept trying to figure out the setting; I had no idea; but I have sat next to a few hefty, phlegm laddened people in my days... and wishing for a bigger bench. Great read for me.
You really had my attention all throughout the piece. Well written, descriptive, and real.
I read with rapt attention trying to figure out where they were! Great job of stringing us along. Well, some of us, anyway!
Let me be the first to comment on your excellent title. You certainly strung me along as well - a thoroughly satisfactory story
Oh, my!
I SERIOUSLY was going to write on my jury duty experience this week!
This is crazy!
Great job!
I too liked the title. I knew where it was going a few lines in, but even then, I enjoyed the ride. Good characterizations and strong descriptions. Well written indeed.
Yay Sheri, congrats on your EC!!!
Congrats on your EC. It doesn't matter that I knew you were going for the twist, it was a great read the whole way through. I smiled and enjoyed every word, esp. the fake phlegm.
Sheri, Congrats to you and Nellie and Phlegm on receiving an Editor's Choice for this story! This was so much fun to read!