The Official Writing Challenge
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This tender poem had me misty eyed--especially the last line. Beautifully crafted, on topic, and unfortunately, so true to life for too many. Thank God this life isn't the real end!
I thought it was sad when I read this in the news, and your telling of it in a poem was even sadder. You really did a good job of showing the magnanimous heart of Judge O'Conner. Well done.
This was a very sad poem. I have observed these things happen when my parents were in a nursing home. I found the rhythym in your poem to be as perfect as I have read. There was only one place where I stumbled, that being where you rhymed "in" with "been." Just seemed off a bit. Otherwise, I found this entry to be very interesting, thought-provoking and well written. Laura
I have never contemplated the possibility of this occurring as someone is overtaken by Alzheimers. All the more special, then, was the selfless care of Sandra O'Connor who embraced the reality of eternity and had to let go of this life in faith. Thanks for writing this, it was a very soul-searching piece.
Ooh...So very splendid is this poem in every way. Such a story, so much depth. Wonderful characterization. There are so many well-written pieces on FW each challenge...then one like this comes along and re-defines excellence.
A heart-breaker. Very well done.
The title is perfect for this well-metered poem. I didn't like the first two stanzas for some reason. (I'm not experienced enough to tell you why). But from the third on, I was captivated. What a caring, forgiving wife! Yeah, I'm tearful.
Dreadfully sad but wonderfully evocative. Thanks for pushing the boundaries.
I've read this a few times now. It's really sad the way life ends sometimes...most times, maybe. This was masterfully written.
Oh boy, this is sad. But so true to life. Please Lord let me die with dignity. Thank you for getting us thinking with your meaningful rhyme. Colin
I had not heard this about Sandra O'Connor. Though very sad, you told it beautifully.
So sad. Beautifully bittersweet. Well done!
Wonderful poetry taking look at a topic that tugs at the heart strings. Beautifully done!
Sad and beautiful. Well done!
Wow. I had never heard this story before and I'm left deeply touched. Your title was perfect, with carefully chosen words, thoughts and pace. Beautiful. This one will stick around in my heart long after reading it.
Wow. This was touching. Wonderfully done. ^_^
This was so sad. The pain of loss is incomprehensible.
So touching...Congratulations on your EC.
Fantastic entry, Mariane, in every way.

Beautifully sad. My heart grew heavier with each word I read. While I knew where this was heading I was compelled to read on because I knew as a reader I needed to share her pain. Excellent writing, Mariane. Bravo!
Very sad story and a beautifully written poem. You portrayed the sadness and love sitting side by side in Sandra's heart superbly.
I must confess I found the title disturbing; I don't think we can come to any conclusions about how God really judges these thorny and painful situations. I'm not saying he will judge this as transgression, just that I'm not comfortable assuming that he won't.
Woo Hoo, Congratulations on placing AGAIN in EC with this bittersweet, thought-provoking piece.
Mariane, this is so touching. I wrote a poem on Alzheimers too, but this one is one that wrenches at the heart, brings tears to the eyes, and a love for the wife who was so loving and understanding....Remarkable! Had I been a judge, you would have been FIRST.
Bravo and congratulations, dear Mariane! You always know how to pull the heartstrings writing on the pathos which is life.

Your title might give a person pause, but obviously Heaven "allows" this confusing dementia to interrupt the bonds of matrimony, for some purpose. I like to think these "slivers of the cross" are part of the price we pay to be conformed to the image of Christ Jesus.