The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
beautifully written
I really enjoy this piece. Great job. Vickie
I just love the style of this - the jumping back and forth from nature and your struggles to your prayers. It flowed seamlessly, and was lovely.
I liked the comparisons here. We all need to reflect now and then.
Great descriptions, with all the senses. Nice prayers/format, too.
Very vivid depiction of how to welcome God into our thoughts through His smallest creations and events in our lives, culminating in a minute-by-minute relationship with Him through our prayers.
Beautiful anointed piece!Brilliant!
In Christ,Dee:)
"Numbers 6;24,25,26"
Beautiful moving anointed piece that speaks to the heart!God Bless!
Your brief descriptions of nature are so poignant, and beautifully compliment the theme of "New Every Morning." This was a blessing to read.
I can't think of any other hymn that reduces me to tears more than the worship song, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," which frames your piece. I can still see my mother, during the days of the Great Depression, when Dad had lost his job along with millions of other men, we lost the mortgage on our house, and everything was so bleak. But Mother would stand at the kitchen window and sing softly, "All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me." Thank your for this lovely piece which just by reading it spreads calm and peace all over me like a warm blanket.

This was a blessing to read. Nice work.
I second all the comments made above. What a beautiful, calming piece. Thank you. I needed this today.
You have captured the essence of praying without ceasing in this lovely devotional. So often we spiritualize things and miss the beauty of the ongoing relationship we have with our heavenly Father. I enjoyed reading this. Many blessings, Cheri
What a wonderful morning meditation! We should all see God-opportunites in every little thing. Quite nice.
Lovely and peaceful... great imagery...
Beautiful work! You've captured seeing and worshiping God in His creation - nature - beautifully.
I like how God often speaks to us through nature, and you showed this experience beautifully in your debotional! Very well-written and with an encouraging message! :)
This is beautiful! It makes me want to go outside and have my quiet time on my front porch as we live in the country.
Wonderful! I loved how you wove your prayers for today in with the recollections of yesterday and the 'happenings' of those few moments out there with your coffee. I felt the 'new every morning' as I experienced the morning with you. Very nice!