The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I loved this entire entry. Thank you! God bless~
An amazing reminder of our Lord's infinite patience with us. Thank you!
Love the atmosphere you weave as you get started, and how you've taken Pete through his past and further back - great allusion to Jonah - before inviting him to explore a new future.
Great job. Loved the pun in the title as well.
Oh this is good.

I noticed a few missing quotation marks.

Nice job. I like how you brought together so many stories into one.
Great writing from the clever title through your unique perspective on this well know scenario.
I enjoyed this beautiful depiction of Peter's restoration. Good job!
Great title. Loved the atmosphere you created too. Well done.
loved this, Great Job!
Very moving story here! You have a really wonderful way with words, such as "Tears can’t be seen for the water from the sea, but they’re there, just the same," and "all listen to waves slap a lullaby against the bow." Awesome word pictures! You also brought out some excellent points and made some good "connections" with other biblical happenings as well as with other events in Peter's life (for example, the fact that Peter denied Christ by a fire, and now he reaffirms Christ by a fire!). I loved reading this from start to finish! :)
I really enjoyed this piece. Your title drew me in as when I first heard the topic I went to that old childhood joke about Pete and Repeat. I wasn't expecting this particular story but I still really enjoyed it and think you did a marvelous job of weaving the topic in.

The only suggestion I'd offer is to use quotation marks and clarify for the reader who is speaking. There were times when I had to stop and reread because I thought I'd missed something.

It may seem strange that something as inconsequential as a quotation mark can make such a huge difference. I think the heart of your story proves that it can and does. Jesus knew the anguish that Peter was feeling and though it may not seem huge to others, it was huge to Peter so therefore it is of the utmost importance to God. Good job.
Wonderful piece! How many times do we see ourselves in Peter? That wonderful Apostle who so clearly displays what the power of God can do in a life--through a life. From his call to his 3x denial to Pentecost, then to his epistles and then his own upside down crucifiction, what an example of power and transformation. The same is available to all who come to Christ in faith. I was captivated by this piece. Good all the way through! I liked the realistic doubt: would he still accept me?--could such grace be real?
Beautifully done.
So many great things packed into this story. I love the way you've told it - very engaging and written like the overview of a novel - the characters the setting, etc all to be continued because the reader knows there is more to be told. Great job.
Congratulations for placing 6th in level three and 27 overall!
Renewing joy . . .