The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You've realistically captured the pressure that can deny too many promising young Christian athletes an opportunity to develop their sports careers as they mature in their faith. Years of sports ministry shows that when Christian athletes speak, young people are listening. Yet Bobby has set his priorities well, for though top sports can be glamorous, careers can be very brief.
Strong characterisation throughout.
You've done a nice job putting the finger on what has become a very serious problem for our kids today. Hard to imagine that a person can wear other symbols of destruction, but not the one that points to life and truth. I'm a happily-ever-after kind of person, so I elect to believe that the boy got to play. I am sadly aware that, in this present climate, he probably wouldn't... outside of God's intervention. A good reminder to pray for our kids in school today! Thanks!
This piece offers hope; shows faith and strength.

Nicely done.
I truly enjoyed this realistic setting and the various conversations. It really struck me how honestly you painted the MC, strong in his faith yet not looking forward to break the news to everyone ... I could feel his youth. So well written. Wonderful work here!
Congratulations for gaining HC honors two weeks in a row!!
Congratulations my dear friend, you should been even higher.

God BLess, Lynn
Congratulations my dear friend, you should been even higher.

God BLess, Lynn
Congratulations my dear friend, you should been even higher.

God BLess, Lynn
Yippee! Your terrific article made the list again this week...way to go, girl! Congrats, liberally sprinkled with patting of the back and generous portions of chocolate. I mean, this is something we can celebrate!
Congrats Camille on this wonderful and inspiring story.
I enjoyed reading this uplifting article and it is a great reminder that we are to stand firm in our faith.

Wing His Words
I really like this a lot. You did a fantastic job of developing the conflict immediately and it pulled me right in. I really enjoyed your MC. It's not easy to stand by your beliefs in HS.

The one problem I did have was that the forbidden item was a necklace. In almost every level of football(except for the pros and maybe college) jewelry of any kind is not allowed for safety reasons. As I read on I was hoping the item wouldn't be a necklace but instead maybe a patch or something on his helmet or even a warm-up suit or blanket that had something on it to show off his faith.

But even with that said, you're allowed literary license and I imagine some divisions may not have the no jewelry rule. (Though once my daughter took the rubber band from her hair and put it on her wrist during a swim meet and the official warned her, and could have DQ her for having it on her wrist.

I think you tackled the topic in a fresh way. I so enjoyed this. Sports can be such a positive part of a kid's life and can make a huge difference in what type of people they will be. But you showed that his faith had an even greater influence on the type of person he is and I loved it.

Congratulations on your HC and for ranking 13 overall!