The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1144 times
Member Comments
Nice exchange between father and son; reflects respect and love. Overall, a good story about being used by God for what He purposes. So true! Many times we do not see the point of witnessing or preaching, do we? Perhaps that keeps us depending on God and not our strength. Then pride steps in to take the credit. Good reminder of what we are about. Blessings. :)
I enjoyed the banter between father and son. It was sweet how the father was supportive but not overbearing. The ending was just perfect.
Good writing! Your conversation sounded real, and I liked how you used it to change the MC's opinion. It's good to show what's going on in a story through conversation. And I could smell your gourmet coffee as you described it. It helped make it seem like an autumn scene.

Mick. *smirks* I like it. ;)
I think the best word I could use to describe this story is "real." The characters were genuine, their conversation believable, even one of God's wonderful divine appointments fit in without feeling forced. I liked this story a lot.
Good story with meaningful dialogue and makes a strong point. Those chance encounters are probably a lot more common than we will ever realize.
I like the wonderful relationship portrayed between father and son.

When you started with the narrator describing his clothing and drinking pumpkin pie spice latte, I assumed it was a female. Just stereotypes, I guess.

I know some 'least likely' people, so this is very encouraging.
Very realistic and easy read. Very nice dialogue. Great job.
Interesting story of the importaance to carry on the work of the Lord. Very well written.
Have you got special treatment in here what with your byline being up there! LOL!
I really liked the way this flowed - it seems so natural. And, although there was no overshadowing, that I could see - I somehow knew this unlikely encounter was somehow foreordained.