The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1112 times
Member Comments
An actual literal view of father and son making hay while the sun shines! Couldn't have made it any clearer than that! Wow!
This was a clever way to use the proverb. I could feel the boy's tiredness in my own muscles. Well done.
Smooth're pretty sneaky, in a good way! Nice job creating palpable fear--you got a simultaneous groan and laugh out of me at the end!
Man, what a sneaky uderhanded trick that was :)

I was holding my breath, wondering what was coming. What was causing so much terror.

FOUR YEAR OLDS!!! Well, yeah, I can understand their fear. Great story, well done. No extra points for the trickery though.

Oh, I'm so glad to see you back! And you really "got me" with this one...I was thinking, zombies, ghouls, Killer Kittens...and it was 4-year-olds! Arrrrggggh! Great buildup of tension, superb payoff.
Ha! Got me. You KNOW I was expecting vampires! :) Great story, and of course I love the twist. Welcome back.
Great job building up the terror, you definately got me at the end.
I love the build up - who's coming, why are they scared?
AHHH four year olds! Great job!
Ooooh! Yikes! Run for your's...4 year olds! LOL! This was funny! I liked the suspense you built up and kept as it got to the end. I was waiting for something huge and terrifying. Right. ^_^ A fun read, my only note is the last line seemed a tad bit awkward? Could just be me though. Very funny! ^_^
This was hilarious! I was totally getting the "I Am Legend" vibe, then poof! Four years olds!
Great job...I loved it!
Oh, this is just perfect! I *loved* it. Yes, four year olds can indeed be scary...especially in "packs", LOL! Good illustration of the topic, too. Very well done!
I had a prescription for shock therapy once because of four-year-olds--not really--but I should have.

Great twist--good ending--right on topic--AWESOME!!
Ding, ding, ding! Sarah wins the prize. The last line in fact, was supposed to be deleted. Didn't really hurt matters I guess but it was a bit redundant! :)

Yet--that's how scared I was. LOL