The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was very funny! There's never a dull moment with kids around. Good story!
I loved this story! All the characters came alive with the colorful dialogue and the longsuffering mom's thoughts. I could totally relate to it, having had to deal both with bored teenagers and with lively toddlers--especially in airports.

I began to wonder when she felt the hand on her knee whether it might be her toddler doing that--but if I were in her place, I know I would have thought what she did. Great job!
This is sooo funny! Leave it to the kids to keep us smiling!
Great!!! This could totally happen except during my exam I left my kids at home to avoid that, ha ha. You captured the heart and hands of a preschooler well, as well as the pre teen sulk. Really nice work!
You certainly succeeded at making me laugh. This is an excellent account of life with kids.
You had me going there - almost forgot this was humour category, not drama. Great stuff.
I'm still laughing! Having been molested by a dentist once as a teenager, I really identify with this. My goodness...what if she had hit the optometrist?!? Well he sort of sounded guilty with his, 'Don't look down,' statement. I liked this from the beginning to the end. Bravo.
Good story. Children can really make your day.
Nice real images - good dialogue - Very honest and real portrayal of what many moms go through:)
Love the dialouge between the mom and kids. Cameron was a very good character. I did notice that you used a lot of commas in the very first couple of sentences. I'm not a grammar expert, but maybe a few too many? I loved the twist at the end where it was the kid and not the eye doctor. Good job(and cute title)!