The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Cute twist on 'mystery'. I was kind of hoping for something a little longer though. ^_^
Duh, I don't have a clue. Ummmm (scratching head and watching dandruff fly...) Is it bigger than a bread box? Is it a word I could say in front of my mama? If I were dying, would this word be part of my last prayer? Does it rhyme with superfragalisticexpialidosis?

I'll go crazy until I found out the word. Can you be bribed? If so, phone me at 555-1212.

And thanks for a real mind- bender of a mental exercise.

I think. **grin**

Mariane (Dumber than a Doorknob) Holbrook
Definitely a different take on the topic. I can tell this topic stretched you. Not as engaging as I know you can be. Hoping humor is more to your liking :)
Very cute!
Very cool idea. I never would've thought of it. Of course, I even had trouble figuring out the word until the very end.

Very good mystery in multiple ways. Impressive.