The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What an entertaining tale! I was pulled into this story within one second of reading, and was filled with interest until the very last word! Excellent writing, on topic and so well written.

Dialogue was very realistic, and your depiction of the MC's internal struggles was palpable. Well well done my friend!

Here's hoping for that elusive EC!!!!

God bless you~
Well on topic.

I hope this gets read by many young girls that do make mistakes. I am afraid to many have taken the other road.

After I retired as a principal, I worked for DHS Child Welfare, so many young single mothers, so many grandparents raising children. It is heartbreaking.

Good Job. It kept me reading.
Making one mistake doesn't mean you should make two.

Good story!
Oh my dear friend - why aren't you in Masters? What a tremendously emotional smack to the heart. I love this and I love you . . .
The 'fork in the road'. Left or right. Do the right thing in God's eyes, or take the easy way out. Good story.
That was a powerful story.

It brought back memories for me. Where I used to live, that was the cultural "thing to do". It was almost as if it was planned (in some cases it may have been): young unmarried woman has a child, who is then calmly passed off to the grandmother to raise.

Seeing that happen over and over was incredibly sad, and I never forgot it even after I left that place. It was cathartic to read your story. Well done.
This interesting story grabbed my attentions immediately and held on. I was so glad the mc made right choices!
Oh you have outdone yourself with this one! Emotional and powerful, true to life and well written. You should really move up to Masters. You are eligible, ya know?

I really felt your MC's pain. And similar predicaments happens every day, somewhere. I think every reader will think of someone they know or have heard of and sympathise.

I can't find anything to use my red ink for!
This is an excellent story that has much truth to it. The article pulls you in from the 1st word to the last. I love your work, and look forward each and every week reading your articles and poems! Excellence, Excellence, Excellence.

God Bless!
I'm so glad your MC took the 'high' road.
Yet another grand piece of fiction which has the ring of Truth.
This is beautiful, yet simultaneously so sad. I don't understand parents that love with conditions. I was a teen mom myself and was so blessed by my family. My daughter grow up without becoming a statistic of a young mom - - on government assistance, unable to go to college, pregnant at a young age herself. I worked hard to provide for her and avoid those horrible statistics. I don't know if I could have done it without my family loving me through it all, but I know I would have tried. That baby is now married to a wonderful husband, received her master's, and has a great job. Love makes a difference.

The only red ink I have is tiny. When the MC kissed the baby before turning right, I thought oh that baby should be in a car seat in the middle of the back seat of the car to be safe, making it difficult for Mom to kiss her.

It doesn't matter in the wonderful scheme of things, but I'm a huge carseat proponent, my first published article had to do with keeping kids safe with things like helmets and carseats. Your message is one I wish all parents could understand. The ending was perfect and you kept the suspense and conflict going all the way through. You brought the story full circle. I enjoyed it immensely.
Congratulations Happy Dance!!

Wing His Words
Congratulations on ranking 18 overall! Happy Dance!
Congratulations on 1st place ranking; it was a worthy piece.
Congrats! Yipee!
I'm so happy for you on this well deserved win. I loved it, and so glad the judges did too!!!!!!!!

Congrats on first place and 18th overall!!

C'mon EC!!!

God bless~
Yay for taking first. Moving on up to the Masters?
Are you scared? No need to be-you fit right in!
I agree with every comment. Beautiful story, moving and credible. Congratulations on a very worthy win.