The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You never said if this was true or not, but it rings true and how wonderful if it is! I can see where a group that doesn’t just preach to, but truly ministers to the heart’s hurts would expand! I like how you literally gave vision to the topic! And I am sure that meeting expanded more than in numbers attending, I’m sure it expanded friendships, expanded compassion, expanded understanding and insight into other’s pain, expanded faith, to name a few. This writing slaps you in the face with the truth of how so many churches are failing to deliver the true love and compassion of Christ, people need more than just being preached at, they need ministered to on a personal basis! You have delivered a lot to contemplate in your wonderfully presented short story! Well done!
Yes, it is amazing what Christ can do, especially in a group setting like the one you write about. This is also an amazing story. It made me feel so good as I read it. I love to read about His power to heal the hurting and lonely people in this world, as He did the same for me. Excellent!

Blessings, Lynn
Terrific article! So many times there are hurting people near us, and we know that God wants us to interact with them. However, we shy away for lack of boldness or fear that we'll say the wrong thing. I love that your MC wanted to start such a group, but also that she wasn't afraid to ask the woman if she could pray for her. Such compassionate touch, along with prayer, is exactly what our hurting world needs. Thanks for the spotlight your article has brought to this issue today.
Wow this is beautiful. I'd love to be able to start something like that in my area. It's been 20 years next month since Mom died and oh how I miss her. She dreamed of starting a chronic pain support group for me, and after she died I did have one going for a while, but needed someone to run it who was healthy. After reading your story I feel God nudging me. There are too many people with hurting hearts and God has plans to use my pain for something to glorify his name. You did an amazing job!
It's amazing how our little plans can fit so perfectly into God's big plan. This is how the church should work all the time. One person to one person, two people, five and ten and on and on the ministry goes. Great idea and well written. Thanks.
Congratulations my dear friend. I am so very happy for you and your well, well, deserved first place ribbon! Your story is truly the winner!

Many blessings to you....

Congratulations and welcome to Masters! You're a real champion, and not just today. Well-deserved.
CONGRATULATIONS CAMILLE on your EC win! Yahoo! You so deserve to be in masters!
Whoooo-hhhhhhhoooooooooo!!! Congratulations! Happiest of any Happy Dance!!!!
ongrats on you EC win.
Sos - Congrats
So glad to see your entry among the top ten. Congratulations! And thanks for reading and commenting on so many entries every week.
Congratulations for 1st place on a great article. Thanks, too, for your always-encouraging words to the rest of us!
Yay for you, Camille, for placing 4th in EC. Good job! Love this! God bless!
What a heart warming and encouraging piece. It rings true too. Congratulations on a well deserved placing and thank you for all the encouragement you spread around FW's. Your kind words are a blessing.
Your story has the ring of truth especially because you are such an encourager and I see you in the role of the facilitator.
Congratulations on your win.
This is a wonderful piece. You are so deserving of this 4th place overall and #1 in level 3. The writing is wonderful, and you are so special in your encouragement and support of other challenge writers. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on your getting EC and first at your level!
This is AWESOME! I am so proud of you. Congrats on a well deserved 1st ribbon and a well written piece!
Congratulations on producing such a well-grounded mix of invitationand challenge, especially if this is an actual account of a ministry's growth in its effectiveness. Congrats also on your win, and welcome to Masters...
Congratulations precious friend!

Wing His Words
This is a wonderful story. You did a great job!