The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow, this one tells it like it is, pulling no punches. Isn't it sad that this impolite behavior has become the norm? As a society we have become so used to the plight of the homeless, that our compassion for them is gone. Equally, our intense interest in all things tech-on-the-go has stolen our manners, as well as our attention. This article gives us pause to check our own behavior. Are we acting in a way that puts a smile on the face of Jesus, or are we too busy to notice? Your MC did the right thing in checking on the guy and letting him know that Jesus cares about him, whatever society's failings. Nice job.
So true to life in its setting and dialogue.
I agree that rudeness is sadly becoming more prevalent, but on the plus side it allows basic Christian courtesy to stand out more clearly. Which enables us to have more influence in casual interaction - without having to know all the answers. How about that?
I heard a preacher say, "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Your story clearly demonstrates that truth. Well done.
This reads like a winner!
Sad story that reveals the current sad state of the homeless and detachment of society. We had a close friend who walked into town with few personal possessions, and slept in the towns amphitheater. Along with his small satchel he carried Old Glory everywhere he walked. A Christian & recovering alcoholic-he regained his dignity, found employment, a used automobile and then an apartment!

Wing His Words
Great example of "where sin abounded, grace did abound more exceedingly" Great job!
This certainly is on topic. An interesting tale of lost hope finding a smidgeon of tender care in a callous world of self. Very challenging Challenge entry. Thanks!
I really enjoyed this read! What a sad and true reflection indeed, of a society that more and more seems to becoming too busy and self-centered. But, part of the reason too, is people have become callused from all the scam artists out there, pretending to have needs. What is sad is that people have become so fearful of “being used” that true needs are also neglected! But the rudeness of bumping into someone and not even acknowledging it, has no excuse. Like the MC in this, I too, many times, wait in the car for my hubby and observe the people. And Praise God, I still observe good, along with the bad. Or maybe as Noel said, the good just stands out more. One thing for sure, we cannot change anyone else, but we, like the MC in this story can make sure we do the right thing and maybe we will stand out enough that someone else will see the light! Great job on this!
This is a lovely devotion. You develop the MC immediately by showing her concern and eye for detail. That pulled me in and made me want to keep reading. I suspect it is based on one of your true experiences because, like the MC, you have a caring heart.

I did notice you missed quite a few commas, like ones that are an introductory phrase:After the sermon,
Also this line was confusing, but a comma and a tense change would make it clearer: I walked to him and asked if he were okay. He nodded silently, and began to walk away, but before he could, I touched his arm and said, "Jesus loves you, and that's all that matters." (You could just end it at arm, too)

I think little things like that and the POV shift are probably the reason your story didn't rate higher. (when your husband was sickened--you can't see inside his head, although many wives probably come close to it, but that statement would call for knowing his thoughts and feelings, instead you could describe his face: He crinkled his nose as he rolled his eyes.)

You definitely tell a great message. The world is turning into a selfish place these days and people want instant gratification so, like you demonstrated, are more attentive to electronics than people. I'm sure everyone who reads this will take away something important. You did a wonderful job! Congratulations on ranking 6th in level 3!