The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1619 times
Member Comments
Oh, I loved the surprise ending. :)

I got a bit lost after your surprise, though. Are the MCs supposed to be birds? Or mosquitoes? Or the Twitter bird?

Despite the confusion on my part at the end, I loved this. Nice job.
Subtle punning here on Robyn and Jay, and tweeting. Very clever; but I'm having trouble getting mental picture of these birds working at computers. Call me a literalist if you like - or the 'nest'-best thing to a literalist!
I liked this birdie tale. It was original and clever in the way that you used the conversation between two birds to highlight the damage that careless words, whether spoken or written, can do. Good job!
I love the visual of the birds ducking from words flying wirelessly from one computer to another. And your point is good--words do hurt.
Fun adorable piece. I loved the symbolism of the bird getting hit by the rush of hurtful words.
Such a clever way of bringing "truth" to the "fore."

Words can hurt, and this was a well written entry. God Bless~
OK! I know people with bigger intellects than mine would have got it all - but alas with my limitations I didn't quite get it all and had to rely on other commenters to get me there.
But after saying all that, I enjoyed it very much!
This was wonderful! The twist at the end (the MCs being birds) added such a rich dimension for me. And the truth you tell is so important. Very nicely written.

It blessed me ... thanks!
OMG! Poor birdies I could picture all those hurtful words flying out of the wires. It's funny and makes you laugh, but so true how we hear and sometimes speak a steady stream of negatives. This might just be my new fav. Thanks!
Much truth about blogging. Once the words go out, it can never go away by a mere edit or delete. The harm words can do to birds in knocking out birds is an absolute creative take on the topic! Good job on a well written piece.
I loved the aha moment concerning Robyn and Jay. :) You'd get bonus points for creativity on this from me. :)
Congratulations on "your bonus win" for your comments-very well deserved!

And congrats on your HR placing - also very much deserved and earned.

God Bless~
Congratualations on your placing Shann! This was quite a fun read.
What a clever story, Shann. You had me til the very end, and lesson that we can never take back what was say (and write!) came through strong. Congrats on your HC. God Bless.
Wow, those creative juices were flowing. I loved this article and the powerful truth it represented. The stats are proving that the old "Sticks and stones... but words can never hurt you: should read "but words can sometimes kill you." The kids should read this. Nice job.
A powerful message in a wonderfully creative tale!