The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very nice job. This reminds me of a few incidents with my own father. The 80's references - Bon Jovi, People's Court - put me right back there!
What a slice of life. Your details made me feel a part of the story. Perfect title especially when you tied it to the chocolate. Keep it up!
Oh, your last line is the exclamation point on your piece (love the way you said that in the opening paragraph). Excellent job!
I love coffee, therefore, I love your title. :) With a 16-year-old, we had a few driving lessons in our not to distant past. I like the way you also "slipped" chocolate into this. This definitely tugs on the heartstrings. Very nice story.
Awesome writing! The story here is so easy to relate to. The characters are so real. Maybe because it reminds me of that exact feeling I got in my stomach on the rare occasions when my dad swore. My opinion of him was greatly affected by those small words.

This is a powerful piece, for dads and daughters especially. If I had read it when younger, it would have helped me understand my dad. And had he read it, I think he too would have shed a tear.

Great last line!
Wonderful story. The best part is that it is a well-crafted, beautifully written piece. Great work!
So Mom sends him armed with chocolate--sneaky. ;) Nice writing.
Congrats on 5th place! SO happy for you!
Congratulations on your well deserved EC.
Yay Julie! Congrats on your EC! I'm glad I didn't miss this one, it was good! I loved the 'peace offering' of chocoates(and the coffee 'trick') cute! ^_^
Congratulations on your EC. I absolutely love the last line--priceless.
YEA!!! congratulations !!!
Do you move up yet?
I had to laugh. I've been on both sides of the driving miseries! Great writing!
This is great. I loved it from start to finish. Congrats on your EC.
Brilliant story and lesson, with such believable dialogue. Great conclusion, too.
This was priceless. I know mothers often compare themselves, but never thought men would do that also. Great story with a wonderful ending comparing chocolate to coffee. I loved this.. much deserved win! Congrats!