The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1254 times
Member Comments
Hmm, it's like you've been to my church, too. Yes, we all pretend. It's hard not to sometimes, but wouldn't it be nice to know each other so well that we don't have to pretend anymore? There'd be no point if we knew each other. Well written comment on our less admirable churchy ways.
Title really grabbed my attention. Creative perspective.
Your voice is PERFECT for this piece - what a sting! Just excellent.
What a page-turner this started out to be! And then turned into an interesting read with a good message for all. Don't jump to conclusions, forgive, then a real neat way of showing real fellowship by praising the person that you had previously hurt. Nice job!
Oops! Sorry meant for the following entry. Sorry!
This one is thought-provoking... May we learn to be open about who we really are, and see the blessings that can result from such openness...
Good write, I enjoyed this...