The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Got your point! And still, He used them to further His kingdom! God never required perfection, just simple obedience. (And He even works around disobedience, sometimes!)
I enjoyed this very much. It could use a little more punctuation, but the message came through loud and clear. Good job.
I loved this in many ways; some of your advice went straight to the heart!

I wasn't sure how the title applied, and I think this would be even more effective if put in chronological order. And the topic for this week seemed almost an afterthought.

BUT...this is definitely one of the cleverer pieces I've seen on this site. Very creative, and full of great lines with a lot of kick.
You definitely know your Bible. These were fun to read through and to get the message from each one. (I actually have "The Idiot's Guide to the Bible"--I know, shocking isn't it :) --, and they use a lot of these as chapter titles. Very witty and clever.
Clever idea, and much to ponder. Love the voice.
This has got to be my favorite, no kidding, and I don't care if it ties into "confident" or not. I laughed out loud at several and paused to consider the seriousness of many more. What a great voice! And it's so clever and original that I'm fighting being jealous of you.

Very, very good job! I hope you win!
Of course I love this! To know so much about the people in the Bible amazes me! Very creative:)
Interesting piece. Enjoyed the voice and the way the fact were presented.

Not sure I understand the title, though.
I want to print this out and keep it in my Bible. I also thought it would be nice to be in chronological order.