The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1777 times
Member Comments
Nicely done, this flowed well and was easy to read and picture what was happening. Good job with the dialogue too.

One note - isn't chocolate supposed to be poisonous to dogs? I think their reaction would have been quite different to a dog eating chocolate!
Really nicely done, with realistic and engaging characters. I've never heard of either bread sauce or milkshake cake--they sound intriguing. Good story.
Love the title! This was romantic, yet down to earth.
your little touches add so much: "puffed her hair off her face" and "he swept her up and into his arms." I sighed and went to heaven on that one!
Intriguing story which made my mouth water for all those delightful dishes. Sweet story...kept me reading.
Great title - and a lovely story to boot. I also enjoyed the "little details" put in.
Well written with good characters. I enjoyed the read. Good job.
A great read. Written from experience?
Yes - very good details and flow but poor Coco! ;) Um ... how did he 'reach' the cake ;)

An endearing story that makes the reader want to know the recipe for that Chocolate Milkshake Cake! Well done!
I don't recall ever reading any of your writing, until now, and I am delighted with this cute story. Thank you for your comment on my "Real Life" story---I just now noticed that I hadn't tracked you down to let you know I appreciated your kind words.