The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you for sharing one of God's oh moments. I love how God sends people into our lives to help us grow. God's oh moments are life changing. Keep writing and God bless.
A beautiful article. I'm sure it will call many into the mission's field. Thank you for sharing.
God works in amazing ways in our lives.No telling where He will lead us. I was in Africa in Zambia for five years. Thanks for sharing a way that God works through people. Keep writing.
Great job, very well written and touching.
I particularly loved your opening few lines. It really set the tone and hooked me into the story. You are in a good place with your structure and pacing, now don't be afraid to play around more with drama and emotion. Well done!
Love the "ohhh" moment here.

I'd never heard the name "Emmebet" before, and I think it's beautiful.
I really enjoyed this article. I have a huge place in my heart for missions and it reminded me of many similar emotions I felt getting ready to go to Ecuador. I had no idea so many people would have adverse reactions to me loving and helping people.

This line I loved "When I ran in the mornings I could identify the right shapes and colors, but something lacked in the hues."
Wow....your comparison of the dawn to the "revelation" of helping people was right on target. I was a bit confused at first about who Emmebet was, but I kept reading and found out very soon. Keep up the good writing!
Thoroughly enjoyed this article and the way you wove/told your story with the conversation and the reflective thoughts of the MC. I liked, too some of the rebuttals you used for staying vs. going on a mission overseas. If anything (and this is not necessarily red ink) I would have liked to have seen more of the heart-felt, life-changing conviction coming from the passion of MC and not necessarily from the man who convinced her into going. Hope that makes sense - I really, really enjoyed this.
Well put together story, congrats on your win!
As a serving missionary, I echo the sentiments expressed here.
Money is of course important but there's no beating a person willing to heed the call of Christ and go. And not just for a week or two, but to go for long enough to really understand what's going on. That's how you really make a difference. Congratulations on your win.