The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1863 times
Member Comments
Good read. Second lst sentence : 'balling' should be 'bawling' (crying?). I would, too, in the circumstances. God bless you.
What an awesome story! I was curious where you were going with this, and I was certainly not disappointed. Wonderful.
What a precious, well written story. I've owned two Brittany Spaniels in the past. Great dogs. This was a good read.
I loved this story. Sweet but not too sweet, and it captivates the reach of a single dog's love and devotion.
"God always makes a way, He does.”

Mrs. Abbott's words rung true in this story. God provided her with another friend when her dog died. I sure hope this one places high, because it is really good. Thank you for sharing!
Great little dog. Loved this story. I'd bawl too. Well done. Loved Spencer, the angel!
LOVE this. So sweet and what a beautiful surprise at the end. Nice way to show that God certainly can and does use animals to accomplish His purpose (even if we don't "get it" until much later) Well done!
Precious story, and written very well.

I felt slightly disoriented by not knowing the sex or age of the narrator until the end--just giving your reader that mental picture will help the piece flow better.

Love the name FooFoo for the poodle!
You did a great job on this! Complex story to tell, and the format you chose to build the story was excellent! The dialogue rang true to life, and I could picture the different scenes of the story well woven together at the end. Well done!
This is one of my favorites of your stories as well as other stories entered this week. I hope it places.
This was excellent. It brought tears to my eyes. You are indeed an awesome writer!
How lovely! I don't think God stopped at using a donkey. He seems to use all the animals in remarkable ways. Thank you.
WOW! This is powerful! Lots of emotion and everything in here. This is a special favorite of mine this week, I love that Spencer was truly something special-and to know both sides of the story, wonderful! ^_^
Oh man, you made me cry. When I read that last line I just couldn't hold back the tears. This was awesome!
Nice story, good lesson - "God will make a way", and He certainly did in this touching story.

I have to admit, I thought it was a male MC, but then, that might have simply been because a male wrote it.

Nice one Tim, nice one :-)
How tender and sweet! I was almost moved to tears, too!
Very well told!
Congratulations on taking 11th place in your level with this piece, Tim!