The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Perfect-o! Great message and great story. Perfect for the teen. Wow, how I remember feeling like Jenna did as she looked for a place to sit. Would I have gotten up? I am convicted.
This scene is ageless and full of lessons for all of us...but I love the way you showed Jenna's relationship with the Lord, and her desire to listen and respond to Him when every part of her flesh shouted defiance. This reads easily for teens and is a lesson they need to hear. I look forward to reading more of your works.
Good story and very well written. Jenna would be a good friend for Casey in Maybe, This Day..., which is a story entry on this level. Nice work!
I love Jenna's relationship with God - this is so authentic and true to "teenness" - I've been there. Excellent.
The message here is simply awesome, and it is very well written. Great Job!! I honestly will be surprised if this one doesn't place.
Very very good! One of my favorites so far! I was never the new girl, but I was always able to imagine myself in their place. I made friends with every new girl in my school. Now I know what made to such a thing. :) A new girl I befriended in 2nd grade is my best friend to this day. Love your writing, and I think teens will too! A great lesson, but not preachy at all. Well done!
Perfect lesson, actually, there are two lessons here, the second is hidden, but I will save that for a sermon some time. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful story with a perfect setting for teens. Your characters are realistic and your descriptions of how God speaks and the Holy Spirit's tug on the heart are wonderful.
Congratulations on placing with your wonderful story.
Great story & lesson!