The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Beautifully written! This story kept my atttention and started and ended nicely. Very good writing!
This just shines with joy! Great job writing a very tender story...I love your style, especially the line, "Jacob is now shaking his booty in his eternal home!" Very strong testimony here, with just the right tone!
You did a good job on this piece. It's well written and uplifting.
Very nicely done. Your emotion and admiration come through easily and effectively.

My one (small) complaint is repeating that you never met Jacob in real life. You mention it twice within 3-4 sentences. I think once is enough.

Very effective story.
Your writing is polished and you certainly know how to connect a reader to your appealing character. I suspect you are not long for level one!
Love this story! Well written! Thanks for sharing!
Allison, I've been enjoying our brief encounter here at FW. I say 'brief' because after I read your entry this week I fear you will move up a level and leave me here in beginners. Will ya promise me if you do move up that ya will come back and comment on mine again?! Good luck & here's hoppin that ya'll place!

Seems I've "met" Jacob, too. FROG has become a daily reminder as I think of this little guy and his family and so many like him fighting the battle of terminal illnesses. Wonderful article that captures the uniqueness of these special children. This is beautiful! Thank you for the reminder -- FROG. Yep! "Keep on Frogging"! :)
Great story; very well written. Kept my attention throughout . . . nicely done! Bravo!
It sounds like Jacob was a very special young man. Thank you for sharing his story with us.
GREAT title - and a fabulous, heartfelt story. Thanks for sharing this with me - likely never would have had the pleasure if you hadn't!
God has taken away Jacob's cancer. While Jacob did not receive his miracle here on earth...

This touches me deeply.
This was so well done Allison, I can see why you advanced quickly and do so well.