The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 851 times
Member Comments
I really enjoyed this piece. You did a nice job of bringing the MC to life and making him feel real. A lot of people will write about Jesus and the cross this week, but yours stands out because of the unique POV.
I really liked the insight on this piece of writing.

Powerful way of presenting the topic...clever and well done.

God bless~
This is a "could have been true" bible story.

I think there were two sentences with words left out but I put them in as I read the story. Others probably will also. That did not detract from the emotion and power of this story.
Great job bringing a unique perspective to this story.
I especially liked the way you concluded with your MC rejoicing over his new name.
You retold well this wonderful story of redemption. It's time to move to intermediates for you!
Well done! Thank you for bringing us in to the extraordinary warfare of the heart of your MC. I love your writing and look forward to more . . .
You've let your imagination loose here, yet without embellishing the truth. A very credible piece of biblical fiction - one of my favourite genres.
Thanks for this very powerful writing. It is not only meaningful for me as a reader but also as a writer because it introduced another point of view I can incorporate into my own stories. In writing, you are also mentoring. :)

Shalom --
Creative story telling and good use of topic. I really enjoyed this piece! My favorite line was "Barabbas wasn’t the one who was free: I was!"

I also liked how you made the MC jealous of Barabbas at first—a very believable sentiment.

A little more proof reading would have tightened it up a bit. But overall good entry.
I like your writing style and your voice. The story you've told is creative and interesting.

You started to love me a little when your thief put the whole Gospel message together in his head as he hung on the cross. Not that I don't believe that is possible, but because I don't see any sign of it in him prior to when it pops up. You are providing the entire story from his inner thoughts, but this seems to come out of nowhere and, for me, stretches believability. If there were hints of the possibility of his conclusion, then the authenticity of his declaration would be established and resolve the issue.

That's just my opinion, and does not take away in the least from the fact that you have written a great piece here that is worthy of all the wonderful comments.

I also agree with Verna that you belong in the next level, along with about half a dozen other people writing in Beginner right now.

Okay...I have got to start proof-reading my comments. I meant to type "You started to lose me..." not "You started to love me..." Ay-yi-yi! What a slip!

Excuse me while I go find a rock to crawl under.

God bless~
Congratulations on ranking 5th in your level and 28 overall!
Nicely done!
Verna's right! You are ready to be promoted. (I told you it would not take you long to start moving up!) Congratulations!