The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a great message. Your title caught my eye, and your devotional was an excellent reminder of the need to be still and remain focused on God alone.
Clever take on the topic with a "note to self." You actually just reminded me that I need to do my devotions yet today! I have been on my computer so much attending to Valentine's and other FW stuff, important things, but God should always be first. So, thanks for the reminder. I am heading off for some quiet time with my God. I love just soaking in it, I don't know why we (and least I) seem to resist it so sometimes which is what I think your piece was largely about. Thanks again, and may God bless you with His quiet peace and strength.
I love the Message Bible too. It makes things so practical. I loved your devotion, we should all get out of the traffic and focus on God more regardless of where we are at. Amen. I enjoyed reading this.
I enjoyed your article. I like the Message Bible's interpretation of Psalm 46:10 as well. "Get out of the traffic!"

It's a good lesson for all of us to learn. Thanks for helping me to remember the casualties of a hectic life. Keep writing.
I really enjoyed the image of you standing in the middle of traffic holding your bible. I like that people are shouting vulgarities at you, because, that does reflect the world I see (gratefully outside my home.)If you consider revising this, consider putting yourself in the traffic for the entire piece, and describing more of what you see going by you. It could be a real thriller piece Just an idea.
I think this is a brilliant piece of writing. You do such a nice job of pulling the reader into the piece,

I think out of the eight criteria the judges use, the one that might score the lowest in my opinion would be if it was on topic. I know in the beginning, you mentioned it was a note to self, but if you took that line out, it wouldn't really change your story. Another way to nail if you're nailing the topic would be if someone who didn't know what the topic was, if they could figure it out from your story, then you know the story is on topic.

With that said, I think you did a great job with the other criteria. The beginning grabbed my attention. The Bible verse you used is a perfect fit for your powerful message. The ending is great too, it brings the story full circle. This was a delight to read.
In this fast-paced society, your message resonates with me. I noticed a few problems with grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. I would be happy to point them out to you, if you'd like. It's also not clear if YOU were writing the note, or God was writing the note to you.

Your writing flows well, and your "voice" is quite apparent. As was stated, the title is a grabber.
Simply superb! It definitely is the note that as followers of Christ we must take time to be out of the traffic.
Wow - This was absolutely brilliant and such a clever way of presenting the topic! I wish I had thought of it! LOL. Excellent job, I really enjoyed this so much.

Thank you. God Bless~