The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was both humorous and creative. I wonder how many of us would willingly submit to having our lives monitored 24/7? Oh, wait ... I do that with the Holy Spirit all the time. ;)

This could have been a little more on-topic, but I'll give you points for creativity. ;) Good job!
This is hysterical. The comedy is so subtle I'm afraid some may not get it but I'm enough like Bill that I thought it was a delight. I laughed throughout. Great job!
I say, "vicissitude," a new word for me to get my teeth around. The times they are a changing. An amusing tale although I think lost the plot right at the end
Most definitely outside the box...found myself chuckling several times.
AS Oscar Wilde observed: "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about!" Good light touch Troy, coming from a different direction. That's a different; not a detective; er, I mean, a defective; direction. Very well done.