The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was a hysterical read. I laughed out loud several times. That's why I do a lot of my shopping over the Internet. Thanks for the nice chuckle. (I had mice written instead of nice maybe I should search for computer glasses too:)
Loved your article! A good sense of humor is a gift from God for today's world. Reminds me of an incident with my dad. He did not like to shop & would call the store ahead of time to see if they had what he needed. One day he called J.C. Penney's and asked to talk to someone in men's underwear! Great writing and many blessings. :)
I enjoyed the humorous dialogue here. It was great fun to read! Reminds me of the Scripture that says "A soft answer turns away wrath." Happy that the MC finally found what she was looking for without blowing up at immature store clerks. :)
I love this, it's the kind of stories I hear my mom and sister share from there days working at J.C. Pennys...but on the other side where the customer is being a pain, it was nice to see and hear the other side of the story so to speak...but me being A.D.D. had to stop and look up computer glasses because I didn't know what they were(insert eye-roll smiley her)LOL
Great commentary on aging and those who are immature! I laughted outloud at the Depends remark!

Great job!
Hehe! I've been a store clerk before, but hopefully never one like that. Good story! I enjoyed it.
Oh, funny. Your story gave me a good laugh. Been there and yes, I'm probably guilty of quick retorts as well. Thanks for sharing.
Very witty!
Too funny and well written
Haha, don't you hate days like that? Funny story.