The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1935 times
Member Comments
This was well-written and an interesting take to the subject.
The title says it all, and yet I had no clue until halfway through that this was about the mafia. Excellent writing. Creative idea and good execution. No red ink for this one! Was on the edge of my chair.
This sent chills up my spine - masterfully done, with a very unique take on the topic. Love the end.
You drew me in at the beginning, and held me in suspense throughout. A nice job contrasting worldly family and spiritual family.
Oh my! So cool. Now I get the title. Hated the hero to die, but that's how he got to be the hero. Great story.
This was really good. I loved the suspense and how you kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through. Great writing!
Oh I so hate it when the hero dies in a story. You had me hooked with this and I certainly didn't see the ending coming. Well done and congratulations on your EC girl. :- )
Congratulations, I enjoyed this dark entry very much.
Your title is perfect.
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