The Official Writing Challenge
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What an adorable story! It's a sort of "Can You Top This?" which makes you wonder who will come out the winner! As far as I'm concerned, they both were winners!

During revival meetings at church when I was a kid, one dear old saint invariably left her seat near the front to pay a visit to the ladies room. A few minutes later she would walk down the center with a long piece of tissue trailing behind her and always some caring lady would quickly come to her rescue, remove the tissue from her heel and escort her to her seat. Bent double with laughter, is it any wonder all of us kids loved revival meetings?

Great story and well-written!
This story was a charm. I could feel the aunt's spirits lift as the bra story was revealed. Nicely done.
This was very well written and really funny. I was reminded of a time before pantyhose when a little old lady walked down the front in church trailing a third stocking all the way!
Great story, well written and the spice of humor perfect!
A very relatable cute story! I loved how you wrote your ending:)
Good story. Great humor. Our greatest stories often stem for our greatest embarrassments. God does have a sense of humor.
For a writer a good story makes an embarassing moment worthwhile. The story lasts for a long after the embarassment has faded into history. Relish those moments you think you will never recover from because they go away until you re-tell them. No matter how bad it is there is only one ultimate embarassing moment in the history of the world and it is highly unlikely you own the record. Thanks for helping Aunt Vera get past her undignified moment. Good story, good example of faith.
Hearing about someone else's embarrassing moment always makes us feel a little better. You did a great job telling this story, and giving us a real-life Bible lesson.
Oh I liked this. EMbarrassing moment conversations are my favorite. Great job, very enjoyable. God bless.
Utterly charming, from the titillating title to the "my story is more embarrasing than yours".
Funny story, so very well told. I can put myself in your aunt's shoes and feel the mortification---and what a wonderful niece, having a merry heart story to relieve the stress.

I do have to tell you---something similar happened to my dear dad. But, he had such a sense of humor, he had us all doubled over laughing when he told on himself. In his case, he caught the end of the t.p. roll in the waist of his trousers, and came walking back into church trailing a t.p. "tail" ---with the usher running after him down the aisle. Oh dear, I should have told THAT story for humor. I might have won!