The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1956 times
Member Comments
This was quite fun to read, to see a different side to the possums. I've had to throw bowls of water on possums that bully my poor cat. I enjoyed the images, like the description of the birdbath, and getting the dish. Your title is definitely a winner for a mystery buff like me! I did notice that you didn't use a lot of present tense in the beginning. Usually the best way for a 'mystery' is to start in present tense and don't stop the action. Overall though, I enjoyed this-great writing!
The Title drew me in, and I, thanks to you, discovered the culprit; however, the topic of "Writing", seemed secondary in this fascinating birdbath story... But nice job.
Ooh! A mystery will catch my attention every time. I thoroughly enjoyed your story. As for the challenge topic, I have to agree a bit with Marilyn that writing seemed just incidental to the story.

However, you did a great job illustrating just how easy it is to be distracted FROM our writing sometimes, when life is presenting us with perhaps a better story than the one on our computer :)
I love animals, just about all of them, so this was a really fun read for me. I do agree that the topic wasn't covered real strongly, but I think this was well done anyway. Maybe we'll see your story on Animal Planet some day. ;0)
This cracked me up, as I would NEVER offer food to a possum--they look like giant rats, and they freak me out, a little. Very engaging reading--thanks for the entertainment.
Enjoyed this - great detail. I felt like I was right there with you.
Can't help it...I love an animal story! Leave it to them to drink out of a birdbath. Hmmmm....big water dish just like the toilet for most dogs LOL
Funny. We used to leave a dish out for a stray kitty. Ended up having lots of visitors - possums and racoons! Your story will be stronger if you let us join you in the yard and show us what you are seeing rather than telling us. No, you are not on "topic" but this is still a delightful read.
I thought there was a good progression in the plot/mystery and it was easy to keep reading. Your opening paragraph could have been a bit stronger. As the others have pointed out, the delight in this story is on the antics of the possums rather than on being distracted from one’s writing. I wonder if you shouldn’t have started off with the puzzle of who or what was overturning the birdbath. But a pleasant, enjoyable read.